
Final fantasy 14 concept art
Final fantasy 14 concept art

final fantasy 14 concept art

Next is this design for a creature that will appear in the game, clearly it's meant to be a high powered monsters that could either be an enemy or ally to the player. The artist has clearly completed the sketches with pencils and touch them up when colouring in photoshop but what's really to not here is how easily colour pallet can change the way a character is veiwed, if one of the black suits where white would it be seen as a hero even with it's more demonic features?

final fantasy 14 concept art final fantasy 14 concept art

The black and red armour on the right however features a more aggressive aesthetic, with horns on the helmet and sharp edges on the aromour itself gives a much more sinister look to the character giving them the outward appearance of a "baddy". Next is the detail of the armour, with the white and yellow pieces the features are more neutral and give of the sense that the character wearing it would be a "good guy", this is also strengthen by the use of the colours. The first thing that jumps to mind when seeing these is that the armour is all colour coded making them clearly distinguishable from each other. Here are some Armour designs for the upcoming game. So I will be looking at the artwork for Final Fantasy XIV that was recently released with the announcement that the game's makers were doing a large re-haul of the MMO to make it more successful than it's initial launch. Since I'm focusing on creating a Fantasy/Sci- fi based game I thought it'd be good to focus on looking at Concept art that fall into this same genre as to focus my efforts on getting inspired by other fantasy- esque games.

Final fantasy 14 concept art